Tangy Cheesecake

Servings: 8
Time: 40 mins or so, plus refrigeration time. No cooking required!
Acknowledgements: This comes from Sainsbury's Flans & Cheesecakes by Janice Murfitt. The original uses Ginger Nuts for the base, but they're a pain in the arse to crush and I prefer Digestives anyway.
  • 2 oz butter, melted
  • 1 pack digestive biscuits, crushed
  • 397g can condensed milk (sweetened)
  • 250g cream cheese
  • grated rind and juice of 1 lime
  • grated rind and juice of 1 lemon
  • 150ml double cream, whipped

  1. Combine the melted butter, biscuit crumbs and 2 tbsp condensed milk. Press it into the bottom of a 9" spring-form or loose-bottomed cake tin.
  2. Beat the cheese until softened, add the condensed milk (gradually), lime and lemon rind and juice.
  3. Leave until it thickens (10 mins?) then fold in the whipped cream.
  4. Pour over the biscuit base and refrigerate.
  5. The picture in my recipe book has the cheesecake decorated with little flowers cut out of lime and lemon rind. On the few occasions I've had the time to try this myself I found it quite hard to do. And by the time I served the cake the rind had dried up and wasn't very pretty any more....

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Modified 27 May 2000

Copyright © 1998-2000 Jill Metcalfe. All rights reversed.
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